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Passwords Keeper

This easy password manager stores all the passwords.


"It's easy password manager stores all the passwords."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: This easy to store all the passwords Password Manager.
Now, on paper or in Notepad to write code is not necessary.
You need to select a category code will help.
A list of search options will help you to find the password.
All the information encoded, so to keep him safe!

Program features:

- Creating multiple accounts. key file
- Creation (for better security)
- Category management (delete, rename) to the clipboard (login, password, connection
- Copy to add information)
-, Passwords, edit, delete pages.
- Load and save a list of passwords. Click the right mouse button
- Open site link. - Password option to hide
- Export data <br> - Passwords Keeper 1.7 download free can now lock option.

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